Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolve to ... Drop Beets, Not Bombs!

People with whom we crossed paths this weekend may recognize the picture below.  Tamara and I made and packaged fortune cookies stuffed with resolutions and called them New Year's Revolution Cookies.  The idea being that the sum of those resolutions, if adopted wholesale, would amount to something of a small revolution - nothing of Bolshevik proportions, but meaningful change nonetheless.

Now don't get me wrong, it isn't anything all that serious.  We aren't calling for a proletarian dictatorship or forced collectivization (at least not yet).  A revolution built on resolving to do more things badly, explore the adjacent possible, eat peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwiches, grow something, read more, or run your car on kisses - is nothing all that menacing. 

But, that isn't to say pulling through on your resolution is meaningless.  There is some sage advice in these cookies, resolutions that could in fact help to enable positive social change.  'Resolving to avoid harsh chemicals,' could lengthen your life, put a minuscule dent in the on going man-made environmental catastrophe, and simply make you feel better day to day.  Some may seem funny, like 'resolve to walk silly' - but isn't there something to shedding your inhibitions and doing a funny walk just because you got a piece of paper from inside of a cookie?  

It's a brave new world and everyday gets a little stranger.  I mean come on, have you seen these iPad things - the harbinger of the apocalypse?  Why not take some time out and meditate or explore your bookshelf?  You know books, those things that you download onto your kindle, well, they used to be made of paper and get put on shelves ... it's a long story.  I know, I know, your kindle doesn't require the slaughter of trees!  We'll maybe it doesn't, but I'm sure some precious metal in there is destroying the lives of people in Congo or some such place where despite having sought after resources and mineral wealth, they can't have a functioning government because of globalization - the newest form of imperialism.  And all the corn-fed meat you eat is being fed genetically modified corn, grown with billions of gallons of petrol on clear cut land previously covered by old growth forest in the Amazon.  Anyways ... I digress ...

If you didn't get a cookie it isn't too late to email me at or buy them on Tamara's Etsy site - the year is young (and the calendar is merely a construct, your year can start and stop whenever you like). 

viva la revolucion! 


  1. Love these! Really enjoying your blog bill- can't wait to work with you!

  2. Kindle free reading is what the winter is for! We are enjoying your creative work!
